Innovations in digital security and forensic technologies.

Fraud has another facet and resistance has another facet in our lives. Of course, as everything in our lives developed with technology, the criminal and criminal part had a share of it, and of course it provided reinforcements to fight crime and promote justice, as attention was paid to the field of security and digital forensic investigations. Its beginning dates back to the beginning of the emergence of computers, and of course the tools were simple and limited in capacity. It was mainly used to analyze data available on hard disks, and with time and the development of the era, technology with forensic analyzes became more rapid and tools were developed that could deal with digital crimes such as hacks, viruses, and identity theft. This led to the emergence of advanced technologies in the field of network analysis and tracking suspicious activities. Let us return to follow the technologies. In order, digital forensic investigation is the use of digital tools and technology to collect, analyze and study digital evidence and use it to prove cybercrimes. 

You can imagine that every day we live, about 2,244 cyber attacks occur in the world.

According to cybercrime records, the FBI expects that the cost of these violations will reach $8 trillion in 2023.

It was necessary for officials and decision makers to find the necessary and quick solutions to reduce these violations and fight them with all available methods. Therefore, it became necessary to search for advanced methods to make digital forensic investigation operations successful. Digital forensic investigation includes collecting all the evidence that can be used from information and data, and thus the digital investigator uses specialized techniques. Such as data retrieval and digital analysis to collect and analyze evidence. 

Innovations in digital security technologies: 

These technologies make it possible to collect and analyze huge amounts of data from various sources, such as social media, bank records, and telephone communications. Big data analysis is used to identify suspicious patterns and predict potential security threats.

-artificial intelligence: 

Of course, with the modern development of technology and the emergence of the newest element, which is artificial intelligence, cybercrime investigators have joined, given the power of artificial intelligence over human power in analyzing and looking beyond the analytical image of the crime, which may be used as false evidence. It is also used in places working as an analytical monitor to know the various general situations. This is done by using classification algorithms and prediction algorithms that are currently used in the field of digital forensic investigation.

- Multimedia analysis

Multimedia analysis is another field that is witnessing great development, as advanced techniques are used to analyze images, videos, and audio, such as any digital modification of images, which occurs frequently to make forgery operations successful, as is the case with videos as well.

- Cloud security

With the development and diversity of data and the frequent use of data devices and their transfer to the cloud system, and of course, cloud data has become important, with the importance of information that may be exposed to theft or damage, especially since cloud security is an urgent necessity. Companies specializing in cloud security have come up with solutions to protect data stored on the cloud from various threats, such as hacking attacks and malware. These solutions rely on advanced encryption technologies and real-time threat detection systems.

Applications of digital security and forensic technologies: 

Financial fraud :

One of the widely spread crimes is digital financial fraud, with the spread of the use of digital data and the transfer of money to the digital part instead of manual use. Many people are exposed to theft through simple fraud operations and the detection of suspicious patterns. Big data and artificial intelligence are used to monitor financial activities and detect suspicious patterns.

Tracking cybercrimes: 

Digital security techniques help track cybercrimes such as hacks and data theft, and use network analysis tools to track activities and determine the source of attacks. Data analysis techniques are also used in them. 


Cyber terrorism is a pivotal element in various wars, as it is considered another illegal war and a hidden war behind screens in which international losses and offensive and defensive weapons data are achieved. That is, we can understand that losses from crimes of this type may lead to a complete international collapse. 

Protecting critical infrastructure: 

The cornerstone of any country in our time is the infrastructure of water, electricity and communications networks, which has become an electronic life in itself and may be exposed to attack for any attempt that may be considered a security and national threat. Therefore, there is a strong need to protect this data. 

Notable examples of applications of digital security technologies:

Palantir system

Palantir is one of the advanced systems used in big data analysis for forensic investigations. This system is mainly used by governments and security institutions to analyze complex data and detect suspicious patterns. Palantir relies on artificial intelligence and machine learning technologies to analyze data from multiple sources, which helps track suspects and detect criminal activity.

Digital Fingerprint Identification System (DFIR)

Digital fingerprinting is a specialized field used to analyze digital evidence in cybercrimes. Forensic investigation teams rely on DFIR technologies to retrieve deleted data and analyze suspicious activity on electronic devices. These technologies can identify the source of attacks, track and protect malicious activities on networks, and achieve cybersecurity. 

Face Recognition System

Facial recognition technologies are used in various security fields, such as monitoring public places and criminal investigations. These techniques rely on analyzing images and videos to identify the faces of suspects and compare them to a database of known images. These technologies are used at airports and train stations to enhance security and detect and prosecute wanted persons. 

In the end, we can see the electronic revolution and its threats that have moved to another dimension, and with it we can expect its effectiveness to increase, and with it the confrontation with the growing security challenges in the digital age will also increase.

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